Command-line usage

ftfy can be used from the command line. By default, it takes UTF-8 input and writes it to UTF-8 output, fixing problems in its Unicode as it goes.

Here’s the usage documentation for the ftfy command:

usage: ftfy [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-g] [-e ENCODING] [-n NORMALIZATION]

ftfy (fixes text for you), version 6.0

positional arguments:
  filename              The file whose Unicode is to be fixed. Defaults to -,
                        meaning standard input.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        The file to output to. Defaults to -, meaning standard
  -g, --guess           Ask ftfy to guess the encoding of your input. This is
                        risky. Overrides -e.
  -e ENCODING, --encoding ENCODING
                        The encoding of the input. Defaults to UTF-8.
                        The normalization of Unicode to apply. Defaults to
                        NFC. Can be "none".
  --preserve-entities   Leave HTML entities as they are. The default is to
                        decode them, as long as no HTML tags have appeared in
                        the file.